More about the Vilna Archives & Library
The Vilna Archives and Library are the remnants of YIVO’s collections from before the war, collections that were looted by the Nazis.

Revolution, from a handmade Yiddish book produced in a Jewish orphanage in Bershad,
Ukraine, 1924.
Poland Collection
Leaflets, posters, and other documents related to political organizations, elections, banks, trade unions, cultural activities, religious matters, and sports, from over 200 Jewish communities.
Russia and the Soviet Union Collection
Letters, reports, clippings, posters and other documents Documents relating to Jews in the Russian Empire and in the Soviet Union, 1845-1930s, including petitions to the tsar, documents about Jews in the Russian army, and police reports about Jewish revolutionaries.
The Papers of Simon Dubnow
Known as the father of Russian and Polish Jewish history, Simon Dubnow was one of the first to encourage and initiate the collection and preservation of Jewish historical documents.
The Esther Rokhl Kaminska Theater Museum
Large collection of manuscripts, playbills, posters, correspondence, clippings and photographs relating to Jewish theater in Poland and other countries before World War II.

Revolutsyonerer Revi-Teatr [Artistic Revolutionary Revue-Theater]), founded and directed by the Yiddish poet and playwright, Moyshe Broderzon. Poster art by V. Brauner. Lodz, Poland.
Tarbut Hebrew Teachers Seminary Records
Records of a seminary that trained teachers for the Hebrew elementary school system in Poland.
Photographs Collection
Photographs or negatives of Jewish life in various countries including Palestine and Argentina; books, manuscripts; YIVO exhibits; photographs of personalities; blood libel trials; pogroms.
The Elias Tcherikower Archive
Documents assembled by the historian Elias Tcherikower, including extensive documentation on the pogroms that swept Russia and Ukraine during and immediately after World War I, and the papers of Baron Horace (Naftali Herz) de Gunzburg, an important Jewish communal leader in the Russian Empire.
Rabbinical School and Teachers' Seminary Records
Records of the Rabbinical School and Teachers' Institute, one of several Jewish state schools established in the Russian Empire in 1847 in order to undermine and replace the traditional heder system of education.

YIVO Vilna Ethnographic Committee Records
Materials on folklore, ethnography, and linguistics collected by before WWII.
Lithuanian Jewish Communities Collection
Records related to Jewish communities in the independent Republic of Lithuania, from 1919-1940, including records of the Ministry of Jewish Affairs, Jewish communal records, and photographs.
The Papers of Eliyahu Guttmacher
Several thousand 19th-century kvitlekh (written requests to a rabbi asking for a blessing or advice) sent to Rabbi Eliayahu Guttmacher, known as the Tsadik [define] of Graetz.
TSYSHO (Tsentrale Yidishe Shul Organizatsye) Records
Records of the Tsentrale Yidishe Shul Organizatsye (Central Yiddish School Organization),
a secular Yiddish school system active in Poland from 1921 to ca. 1940.

Music Collection
Manuscripts of musical works for the Yiddish theater, including music for about 450 operas, operettas and vaudeville skits.
Yiddish Literature and Language Collection
Manuscripts by and biographical materials on Jewish writers and scholars, as well as other materials about Yiddish language and literature.
Vaad Hayeshivot Records
Records of an organization that provided financial and spiritual assistance to a network of 70 yeshivot in the five Eastern provinces of Poland.